Hello! I’m Toni Greathouse, Artist-in-Residence at the University of St. Francis Innovation Center on Route 66 in the heart of Joliet, Illinois, USA.
Your desire for change led to my website. In gratitude for pursuing my passion for caricature art as a profession ➖ since 1996 ➖ I’m reaching out to help creative peers follow in my footsteps.
Step 1: I blog [DAILY] to share insights that propelled me beyond mental gridlock. Themes on [SUN] – [MON] – [TUES] – [WED] – [THURS] – [FRI] – [SAT] help you cut through cognitive clutter and move from confusion to clarity.
Step 2: Access to my [THINK TANK] offers guidance to construct a thought bridge that closes the gap between dreaming and doing. Access is only extended to fans of my work and [NEWSLETTER] subscribers.
Step 3: Grant-funded [CLASSES] teach ambitious artists the unconventional processes I’ve used to monetize creative products and pave a path to profit.

“Start a huge, foolish project, like Noah… it makes absolutely no difference what people think of you.” ➖ Rumi
On my 20th anniversary in business, circa 2016, the word impossible was deleted from my vocabulary. Faith, focus, and intentional action empowered me to become a supplier of adult coloring books in Walmart stores across the USA.
Support from a knowledgeable and highly diverse team made it possible. Today, I’m energized by the prospect of paying forward all I’ve learned to help others rise.
For the record, Comcast NBCUniversal showcased me in a 2022 International Women’s Day short feature [WATCH] highlighting three entrepreneurs of color who were determined to rise.